Friday 31 May 2013

My First Attempt at a Blog:)

I realized after looking my friends blog how wonderful it was to blog. So I am attempting to start one:) I will start by posting a family picture as you may not have seen one in awhile. I have been struggling with my weight and that has caused me to not to post pictures. I have not wanted friends of mine to see how I look for fear of judgement and therefore I have withdrawn myself from a lot of people who are great friends that I do not see much of. I guess I want people to remember me as I looked before. Through prayer and talking with friends that see me everyday and family, I have come to accept what I look like. I am not happy with how I look but maybe some of you might have some advice for me:)
So now with that being said I will try to keep those of you who are dear to my heart and to my family updated through this blog.

We are nearing the end of the school year which I am excited about!. I can not wait to have the girls at home with me for awhile. Yes they might drive me up a wall but they are at home and I get to see them when ever I want. We have a few camping trips planned and we hope to do some hikes and fishing, as well as get yard work done. Just this past week the girls released the butterflies they helped grow. So here are a few pictures of this.